You anchor in my chest, I feel you flutter beneath the surface, see you in my mind’s eye
You yearn to wander free, follow your true nature, your calling, your light
Your dance is mesmerizing, my hummingbird heart, your movements magical
Your motions, seemingly random and fleeting are all the same, guided and inspired
Your joy is contagious as you flit from here to there, I feel your lightness take over me, emanating from every cell.
Sing you say, fly you say, you know the words, know the way
My hummingbird heart, though part of you lives outside my body now, we are not separate, we are all one, all love.
I am more than just a mother, while motherhood is a grand, humbling journey, it is not all of me. I root to rise to the divine. I find the divine in the mundane. I appreciate the small moments of practice. I have created my children, in my likeness, which is both mundane and divine, body and spirit, earth and sky. We are all each other, all one. When I get caught up in the day to day, the dos and don’ts, the right and the wrong, I remember to be still, to listen. To align my energy back to source, back to what is true, to remember that I KNOW the way. I am light and I AM KNOWINGNESS. If I can act from this place of alignment, I can rest easy, knowing that I am always on the right path. I use my journey in this body, not only as a conscious mother, but a conscious wife, community member, and simply a human being. This journey cannot be so easily defined, so don’t stay in the box, don’t stay caged. Let your hummingbird heart wander free, let it find inspiration and inspire others in turn. It rests in love, wherever that may be, and it’s path, pure and knowing, will never guide you astray.
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