I began this business after becoming a mother of two. I had traveled a long way on my own health, wellness, and clean living path but didn't know many other like-minded mamas. I researched everything myself and sought like-minded providers to help me along the way.
After a traumatic birth with my son, I began to see the glaring deficiencies in postpartum care. I also realized what was missing from my pregnancy and birth preparation. It was at this point that my budding passion for serving perinatal women began to blossom. I began offering mentoring services to women in my community and sought Licensure as a Professional Counselor (LPC) in order to further serve.
My biggest lesson through two pregnancies and motherhood has been learning to tune into the wisdom and intuition that live in my body. Remembering that I am what my children need most. Healthy, connected, and supported. It took me a while to arrive at a place where I feel fully connected to my "why," my values, and my heart. To a place where I am confident in my decisions.
As a mentor, I don't position myself as an "expert," but as a woman standing by your side who has walked the path before you. Offering guidance, encouragement, and a mirror for you to remember your power. My wish is that every mother can move into motherhood in a way that allows her to claim this power from the get-go; remembering you are what your child needs most.